Step 1: description & communication
In the initial phase, we aim to fully understand your specific question or idea to be able to provide you with a custom solution or concept as a private label manufacturer.
Step 2: solution or concept development
After discussing the options internally, we establish a solution to your query, idea or problem as a team. During this stage, you will receive your first sample or other visualisation of your private label product or concept.
Step 3: evaluation & iteration
The third phase includes the process of evaluation and iteration. We will run through the proposed sample or concept visualisation in one or more stages in order to achieve final validation.
Step 4: introductory phase
After completing the final validation process for the processed meat sample concerned, we will:
- upscale production
- create product references for you and for us
- design the final packaging in consultation with the client
Step 5: release phase
At this stage, you will receive the first delivery of your private label product as agreed upon.
Step 6: follow-up
The process of continuous quality monitoring begins after the first private label product has been released. This phase ensures that all standards are met and that continuity is guaranteed.
Your private label manufacturer
As a private label manufacturer, we produce custom cold cuts and deli meats for brands in the retail and food service markets. These private label meat components are the result of pro-active partnerships and meet the requirements of clients and end-consumers alike. We can provide a solution to any query, problem or idea you may have with regard to meat and meat products!
Trust the expert
Want to find out what Vleeswaren De Keyser can do for your brand as a private label manufacturer? Interested in more information? Don’t hesitate to contact us. We look forward to assisting you in developing your product or concept.